This episode is brought to you in collaboration with the Handmade Seller Magazine. It’s where artists and entrepreneurs can go every month to read inspirational business stories from handmade sellers from around the world, and they can learn tips of the trade and get updated on the latest industry news, and get fresh ideas for the next upcoming month.
This episode is brought to you in collaboration with the Handmade Seller Magazine. Our guest is Morgan Nield, who was featured in the Handmade Seller September 2020 Magazine. She’s the Etsy Marketing Strategist behind MorganNield.com. In this conversation, we talk about coping with mental health through entrepreneurship.
If you agree with Morgan and me coping with different health challenges looks different for everyone. Morgan shares how she coped with mental health challenges that she later learned resulted from postpartum depression, by first starting to sell baby accessories back in 2013 on Etsy. Morgan shares that her success was not because her talents were more extraordinary than any other maker but her experience in marketing gave her a competitive edge that led to her building a multiple six figures Etsy businesses over the next four years. During that time other Etsy sellers would ask How she was doing it and while another unexpected baby bump surprise she realized she needed to make another pivot.
This conversation really touched my heart because in many ways my Podcast started during a time when I felt like I was going through what I now call (Empty Womb) Depression, after my hysterectomy. To cope I found myself feeling how Morgan described during our chat, “In a Dark Place”. If you can relate to coping with grief through your passion or you’re looking for ways to cope with mental health, chronic pain, or any adversity then this episode is designed for you.
“ When you know, in your heart that you need something and you need to do something for yourself. You do it. And if people aren’t agreeing, you know, that’s okay.”
Gifts And Ways To Connect With Your Host Nikita:
Subscribe to the Chronically Profitable: The Flare-Proof Path to $100K, A free exclusive weekly email series designed for creatives and women with chronic illnesses. You'll learn how to make a liveable income with your hobbies, professional skills, and innate talents by building a successful online coaching business with simple strategies that work for you, even on flare days and feel better living with chronic illness.

Morgan Nield
Etsy Marketing Strategist
Morgan Nield is the Etsy marketing strategist behind MorganNield.com and the creator of the Etsy shop, Little Highbury. What started as a simple way of coping as a new stay-at-home-momma, quickly morphed into multiple six-figure handmade businesses, earning her over 23,000 sales and $600K in revenue in just a few short years.
Nowadays, you can find Morgan coaching and mentoring go-getter Etsy shop owners looking to implement and automate profitable passive income streams in their shop. When she’s not busy teaching killer strategy inside her high-touch group coaching program, Passive Profit Academy, Morgan can be found baking up a storm in rural Utah with her husband, daughter, and toddler boy by her side.
Etsy marketing roadmap freebie: https://morgannieldco.lpages.co/etsy-marketing-roadmap/
Passive income planner freebie: https://morgannieldco.lpages.co/passive-income-planning-workbook/%C2%A0