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Denise Cusack

Denise Cusack Profile Photo

Herbalist, Aromatherapist, Permaculture Designer

Denise is a clinical herbalist, certified aromatherapist, and permaculture designer with over 25 years in the holistic health community. Denise is a hands on and passionate educator and speaker, bringing permaculture principles, environmentalism, and ethical ecology to the subjects of herbalism, aromatherapy, and regenerative health and wellness. Denise looks at the world through a permaculture lens, leveraging and curating the critical information we all need to leave world a better place than we found it.

Navigating her own journey with chronic illness, Denise is passionate about using permaculture principles and systems design to help people create their own functional and accessible spaces to connect with and enjoy the benefits of plants and wild places.

Denise lives at Wholly Rooted Permaculture Farm with her family, animals, and thousands of plants.