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Hannah Martini

Hannah Martini Profile Photo

Photographer & Coach

Photography has always been something that has been near and dear to my heart since I was sixteen! Little did I know that I could make a career out of it. My why is simple; I live to watch someone light up in front of my camera. Whether that is a senior who graduated with a Master's Degree, or a small business owner that is passionate about giving their clients the best experience ever.
If you haven't noticed I specialize in high school & college graduates, as well as small business owners.

Aug. 6, 2018

"Be Yourself and Don't Be Afraid"

On this episode of She's Crafted To Thrive™ our Guest is Hannah Martini, a wedding, and senior photographer. Hannah was featured on my Blog earlier this year and in less than 3 months has seen MASSIVE Growth in her business. ...