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Roxanne Glaser

Roxanne Glaser Profile Photo

Self-taught artist / Teacher/ Speaker

Who is SuperDoodleGirl?
Roxanne Glaser is a self-taught artist who sparks joy with her art and illustrations. In elementary school, Roxanne doodled throughout the day, filling pages with imaginative swirls and letters.

When her husband and sister passed away unexpectedly, she turned to art to help process the grief and begin rebuilding her life.

As SuperDoodleGirl, she has learned the healing power of tapping into her creativity and lettering or doodling everyday. In 2018, she completed her first 100 Day Creative Challenge by lettering 100 Versions of The Lord’s Prayer.

Follow Roxanne’s 2021 100 Day Project journey at #100DaysOfDoodleInspiration. This year she is playing with watercolor and ink to create one word of inspiration each day!

Inspired by nature and her personal yoga practice, Roxanne’s art touches hearts and minds with themes of transformation and encouragement. She shares her passion for creativity through workshops enabling others to reconnect with their authentic selves.

Roxanne teaches lettering, creativity, and yoga workshops at Lucky Star Art Camp, Rockin’ Reality, Retreat Center, Baylor University Continuing Education, and for the Waco Calligraphy Guild. Her latest workshop, Grounded in Gratitude, combines her passions into an integrated approach to living a whole-hearted life.

Roxanne’s coloring book and a gratitude journal can be purchased through Amazon.

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Aug. 19, 2022

How to Use Creativity to Find Hope & Healing After Loss with Roxanne …

Our Guest on the show is Roxanne Glaser of Superdoodlegirl . She'll share how Doodling is a superpower that can help you get unstuck and find joy. In this episode, you will learn: 1. How doodling can be used as …

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