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How to Build Lasting Client Relationships for Business Success with Laura Myer

Join us for a candid chat with entrepreneur Laura Meyer on building lasting client relationships through relationship marketing. Learn how authentic connections can transform your business. Laura also shares her personal journey battling endometriosis and navigating motherhood.  By forming genuine connections and nurturing authentic relationships, you can fuel long-term business success and leave the pain of stagnant growth behind.

In this episode, you will:

  • Understand the transformative role of relationship marketing in stimulating your business progress.
  • Examine the pivotal role of mindset and personal belief systems in shaping successful entrepreneurship.
  • Discover how implementing relationship marketing can significantly accelerate your business growth.
  • Uncover the hidden power that lies in authenticity when building your marketing strategies.

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Subscribe to the Chronically Profitable: The Flare-Proof Path to $100K, A free exclusive weekly email series designed for creatives and women with chronic illnesses. You'll learn how to make a liveable income with your hobbies, professional skills, and innate talents by building a successful online coaching business with simple strategies that work for you, even on flare days and feel better living with chronic illness.

Laura Meyer Profile Photo

Laura Meyer

Growth strategist and world-class marketer

Laura Meyer is a sought-after growth strategist and world-class marketer. As a serial entrepreneur who has spent 20+ years scaling and selling multiple online and offline companies, she’s been able to synthesize everything she’s learned along the way and develop a unique lens through which to view growth opportunities, giving rise to her bestselling book, “Win-Win” plus her world-renowned podcast "Next Level Leap". Laura’s unique ability to identify what works when it comes to growing a business has made her one of the most respected voices in the growth marketing industry.
Laura’s company, JoyBrand Creative Consulting, are leaders in the use of expert marketing growth strategies to change lives, communities, and the world. With her unique growth acceleration framework, called the L.E.A.P method, JoyBrand works with national brands and high-growth businesses emotionally intelligent marketing as a force for good. Laura’s advice has been featured in Inc., Entrepreneur, Forbes, Success Magazine, and Working Mother.