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How to Get Paid Using Your Existing Skills With a Coaching Business

In this episode, I share how you can get paid based on what you already know and love by starting a coaching business. Drawing from personal experiences and client interactions, I dispel the myth that you need formal certifications to start a profitable coaching business. Whether you have a professional career, a hobby, or an innate skill, the episode provides examples and insights on how to transform your expertise into a business. By the end, listeners are encouraged to explore coaching or consulting as a means to achieve financial freedom and flexibility.

00:00 Introduction: Turning Passion into Profit

00:37 Overcoming Self-Doubt and Certification Myths

02:38 Living with Chronic Illness and Finding Flexibility

03:35 Defining a Coaching Business

04:06 Adjusting Content Schedule for Health

09:28 Real-Life Examples: Tech Industry Coaching

17:05 Monetizing Hobbies and Skills

22:37 Tying Coaching to Human Needs

25:44 Client Success Stories and Final Thoughts

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Subscribe to the Chronically Profitable: The Flare-Proof Path to $100K, A free exclusive weekly email series designed for creatives and women with chronic illnesses. You'll learn how to make a liveable income with your hobbies, professional skills, and innate talents by building a successful online coaching business with simple strategies that work for you, even on flare days and feel better living with chronic illness.


00:04 - Coaching Business With Chronic Illness

11:00 - Turning Skills and Hobbies Into Coaching

20:16 - Coaching for Profit and Success


00:00:04.129 --> 00:00:11.653
Welcome to Business with Chronic Illness, the globally ranked podcast for women living with chronic illness who want to start and grow a business online.

00:00:11.653 --> 00:00:12.858
I'm your host.

00:00:12.858 --> 00:00:23.565
Nikita Williams and I went from living a normal life to all of a sudden being in constant pain, with no answers to being diagnosed with multiple chronic illnesses and trying to make a livable income.

00:00:23.565 --> 00:00:33.668
I faced the challenge of adapting traditional business advice to fit my unique circumstances with chronic illness, feeling frustrated and more burned out than I already was.

00:00:33.668 --> 00:00:48.371
While managing my chronic illness to becoming an award-winning coach with a flexible, sustainable online coaching business, I found the surprisingly simple steps to starting and growing a profitable business without compromising my health or my peace.

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Since then, I've helped dozens of women just like you learn how to do the same.

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If you're ready to create a thriving business that aligns with your lifestyle and well-being, you're in the right place.

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Together, we're shifting the narrative of what's possible for women with chronic illness and how we make a living.

00:01:04.612 --> 00:01:18.200
This is Business with Chronic Illness.

00:01:18.200 --> 00:01:18.521
All right, y'all.

00:01:18.521 --> 00:01:24.849
I am excited to talk with you on how to get paid based on what you already know and love by starting a coaching business what you already know and love by starting a coaching business.

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Now I wanted to bring this up because I was chatting with some friends over a graduation party it is June when I'm recording this, but this conversation happened back in May and I also have been talking to a couple of different clients on sales calls that have been like I don't even know if I have enough to get paid and make a living out of what I already know.

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I feel like I have to go to school, I have to get a certification.

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I'm not like quote unquote.

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My title or my experience doesn't make me like a coach.

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And so this is for all you whether you are in a professional career, you have a hobby you love, that you run as like a side business, a side hustle, or you have just like an innate gift or skill where people like always talk to you all of the time and they're like how did you figure that out?

00:02:24.085 --> 00:02:29.033
How did you know to do such and such and how does this come so easy to you?

00:02:29.033 --> 00:02:40.871
It might be speaking, like in public, it might be singing, it might be a hobby that you enjoy, like being an artist, a sketcher, and you never went to school officially for any of this.

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Or maybe you have had some training, but you didn't get a piece of paper that says yo, look at you, you can do this thing right.

00:02:47.991 --> 00:02:53.853
So this is for all of you who are like Nikita I hear you talking about starting a coaching business.

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I also am looking for a way to make a living on my own terms that gives me freedom and flexibility, but I don't know how I can do that right.

00:03:02.168 --> 00:03:08.295
I want to tell you all something that might blow your mind.

00:03:08.295 --> 00:03:35.228
I have certifications as a coach, but before I had those certifications, I had clients and I was making money before I had those certifications, because I had this experience of helping people with different areas and also because I just knew how to figure it out way quicker than the person who was looking for my help right.

00:03:35.228 --> 00:04:11.712
And so for all of you who are living with chronic illness and you have had to change your job maybe you are on disability right now, maybe you have taken FMLA, maybe you are just in transition of looking for a job that more works around your schedule and your flexibility, around what you need physically I want to offer you an option that doesn't have to be defined by anyone else but you.

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It doesn't have to be defined by anyone else's time or a sheet of paper other than what you have already done.

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So I'm gonna give you a couple examples of what this looks like, on how you can get paid based on what you already know and love in having a coaching business.

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So if you're like what's a coaching business and you're listening to this a coaching business is basically where you teach or consult or share with people how to get a result or solve a problem.

00:04:41.891 --> 00:04:43.074
That's it.

00:04:43.074 --> 00:04:44.464
That's all it is.

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That's all it is, and you'll see more about what I mean by this.

00:04:48.865 --> 00:04:59.302
But before I get into sharing a little bit about that with you, answering how to get paid based on what you already know and love in a coaching business, I want to be open and honest with you guys.

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I have been going through quite a health upheaval.

00:05:05.490 --> 00:05:10.661
I've talked about this before on, probably, in my email lists.

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I've talked about this on my Instagram stories and I haven't done this in a really long time.

00:05:17.821 --> 00:05:56.654
I had all the plans for this year to have up to like two episodes a week for you on the show, have up to like two episodes a week for you on the show, but I am going to probably go down to having a bi-weekly episode for the summer specifically, so you're only going to get two episodes every month for me until we get into fall, winter time, and part of this isn't because I don't have like a stack of content to produce, it's just for me, energy and capacity wise, like I have been mentally, physically, just drained.

00:05:56.654 --> 00:06:02.572
I haven't felt like this in such a long time, and it's mostly because of physical pain.

00:06:02.673 --> 00:06:24.526
And this is something that I talk with my clients about and I teach my clients on, like always making sure you're making decisions where you're not quitting all of the time but you're adjusting and what can you do versus what can't you continue doing and you just quitting the thing right and, granted, there are times that you're just not gonna do it.

00:06:24.526 --> 00:06:29.252
So, for example, last week I did not tell y'all anything about this, I just didn't post anything.

00:06:29.252 --> 00:06:34.850
You did not get a new episode last week because I just didn't.

00:06:34.850 --> 00:06:37.314
I just didn't and that's okay.

00:06:37.314 --> 00:06:38.201
That's okay.

00:06:38.201 --> 00:06:45.387
I still signed two clients last week and I have some folks coming in that are interested in my group program.

00:06:45.387 --> 00:07:05.269
So I'm never afraid of like pausing or taking a break or adjusting how I show up in my cadence, as long as I continue to just take those baby steps forward and I also have systems in place that really are helpful for all of this, and this is something else that I support my clients and teach them how to do.

00:07:06.040 --> 00:07:21.927
But I've noticed that I just need a little bit of space again with a podcast, and my email and Instagram lives are going to be probably where you see me more consistently, because they're just easy for me to like, pop on and pop off, which is crazy.

00:07:21.927 --> 00:07:23.911
I can do that with my podcast.

00:07:23.911 --> 00:07:34.305
I can record them, but what I've been finding is my brain fog and my physical pain has gotten to a point that it's even more challenging for me to do that on a mic.

00:07:34.305 --> 00:07:42.427
You don't want to hear me moaning and crying recording an episode, and obviously you won't see me doing that on an Instagram Live either.

00:07:42.427 --> 00:07:53.805
I will be sending you an email likely that's where you'll be getting all of the juicy bits about how to start and grow your business living with chronic illness as a coaching business.

00:07:53.805 --> 00:07:57.132
I hope you understand.

00:07:57.192 --> 00:08:06.666
And if you're listening to this at any other time after 2024, and you're like Nikita, I listened to this episode where you were taking a break and now you're doing so much and how are you doing this?

00:08:06.666 --> 00:08:10.702
Look, you're going to have ebbs and flows in your business, and that's okay.

00:08:10.702 --> 00:08:18.562
I just want to like truly normalize this idea of always going in like 360,.

00:08:18.562 --> 00:08:24.535
You know, run pace, you can slow down and still create results.

00:08:24.535 --> 00:08:27.161
You can choose to take care of your health.

00:08:27.161 --> 00:08:34.422
You can choose to take care of your mental and physical capacity and still grow a business successfully.

00:08:34.422 --> 00:08:36.265
So I'm living what I preach.

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I'm living what I teach.

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I'm living how I get paid, and this is the same thing I teach my clients in the different seasons that you go through living with chronic illness.

00:08:47.840 --> 00:08:49.486
So have heads up.

00:08:49.486 --> 00:08:55.167
We'll be having, at this point, bi-weekly, or you'll have two episodes a month.

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You might have some bonus ones here and there.

00:08:57.087 --> 00:08:59.989
A lot of these episodes are going to be me.

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I'm saving up some of these guest episodes that we have coming up for the fall.

00:09:05.409 --> 00:09:07.307
I have so many great episodes.

00:09:07.307 --> 00:09:13.712
We've got some coming up about AI and how you can use it systematically, how to be safe with AI.

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We have some coming up about productivity, about confidence and self-care.

00:09:19.952 --> 00:09:29.024
We have a couple episodes coming up about growing a business with some past guests that we had on the show and where they are now.

00:09:29.024 --> 00:09:34.342
So many fun things we're going to be talking about and the guests and all of that jazz.

00:09:34.342 --> 00:09:45.426
But I want to make sure that when I drop those episodes, you're getting them during a time that you're probably a little bit more active, as well as listening to the show, which is usually after the summertime.

00:09:45.426 --> 00:09:47.009
So let's be real, that's what I'm doing.

00:09:47.009 --> 00:09:49.033
Okay, so we're going to bi-weekly.

00:09:49.033 --> 00:09:52.673
That's all you need to know and I will let you know when that will change.

00:09:53.034 --> 00:10:09.448
Okay, so let's get to this question how do you get paid based on what you already know and love in a coaching business, by starting a coaching business, without necessarily like having to go get another certification or another degree or going to school or whatever?

00:10:09.448 --> 00:10:12.501
Okay, so I'm going to give you a couple examples.

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I'm going to start with the first one, which is based off of my husband, who is in the tech community world.

00:10:19.303 --> 00:10:23.972
He has been, his career has been in all tech.

00:10:23.972 --> 00:10:48.143
He's literally had his hands from, like, the data center with the very physical racking things and don't ask me the terminology of all the things he's done but racking the servers to coding, to cybersecurity, to hands and feet of like the mechanics of a laptop or a computer software program, like all these things.

00:10:48.143 --> 00:10:55.480
He's got experience with it all right, and he's worked with startup companies.

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He's worked with big corporations and he's got lots of experience in this way.

00:11:00.850 --> 00:11:06.403
So if this person, if my husband, had decided that hey, you know what I really want to start a side hustle.

00:11:06.403 --> 00:11:14.687
I love doing this technical stuff, but I'm getting tired of doing it without having the flexibility and freedom over my time.

00:11:14.687 --> 00:11:47.116
But I also get paid pretty well, because usually in the tech world or any kind of like higher end kind of jobs, like just any jobs that are like more, like needed I don't know what other ones there are, like HR or sales and different things like that that are like usually making over six or seven figures or something like that a year, or five figures a year it's challenging to think how can I even start a side business to have the time, or how can I have a side business that's going to replace my current income?

00:11:47.116 --> 00:11:54.458
So I want to share with you how you can do that, so all of the things that you are doing in your profession.

00:11:54.458 --> 00:12:07.958
For example, like my husband with the data center, he's got coding, he's got cybersecurity and he's done this with a very like variable different types of companies with different needs, circumstances, different teams.

00:12:07.958 --> 00:12:17.711
That all is experience that can be translated into you starting a business helping other small businesses solve this problem.

00:12:17.951 --> 00:12:35.763
He could decide that he wants to start a side business of helping data centers better equip their I don't know their system administrators on how to better create safety environment for their servers.

00:12:35.763 --> 00:12:42.297
I don't know I'm making this stuff up y'all because I am not a techie like my husband.

00:12:42.297 --> 00:12:48.413
He could consult or coach small to medium-sized businesses who are looking to really rev up their cybersecurity.

00:12:48.413 --> 00:12:50.577
They don't even know what cybersecurity means.

00:12:50.577 --> 00:12:53.251
They don't know what kind of things they need to have in place.

00:12:53.251 --> 00:12:55.360
But he does right.

00:12:55.360 --> 00:13:03.886
He could create an offer where he does an audit and he can show them where they will need, like where they're vulnerable and what they need help with.

00:13:03.886 --> 00:13:11.493
And here are the things they need to have in place and here are the team members or tools that they'll need to have in place in order to do such and such.

00:13:11.493 --> 00:13:26.548
And he can offer that as a way to like either handhold them through the process of getting those things in place as a coach or slash consultant, or he could just give them the plan and they pay him for that and he checks in every now and then to see how is it going.

00:13:26.548 --> 00:13:28.174
That's an offer.

00:13:28.424 --> 00:13:48.275
So if you are in a corporate or professional career in some way shape or form and you are already doing something that you truly love and you enjoy, you can turn that into a consulting or coaching business where you're working or solving the same problem you're doing right now, but to other businesses.

00:13:48.275 --> 00:13:51.975
So this is business to business type of coaching and consulting.

00:13:51.975 --> 00:13:59.674
Now what about if you don't want to deal with other business quote unquote owners you want to like deal with the everyday person.

00:13:59.674 --> 00:14:10.034
So, going back to the same example, what if you're like my husband who wants to teach people how to like maybe who are looking to?

00:14:10.034 --> 00:14:17.125
If you look at his resume, you would be like, wow, he's got a very wide, diverse experience in this technical world.

00:14:17.125 --> 00:14:18.369
How did he get those jobs?

00:14:18.369 --> 00:14:19.311
How did that happen?

00:14:19.311 --> 00:14:24.886
How did he go from like doing racking servers to doing cybersecurity?

00:14:24.966 --> 00:14:35.077
Right, maybe he would help people with their resumes and showing how they can translate those skills to other skills that they are looking for, to other types of jobs.

00:14:35.077 --> 00:14:41.629
He could have a coaching thing of like, hey, these are the things you need to have the place for your resume.

00:14:41.629 --> 00:14:43.732
These are the things you need to talk about your experiences.

00:14:43.732 --> 00:14:45.738
We can pull out different things that you've done.

00:14:45.738 --> 00:14:57.061
That's something that's not to a business owner, that's to another person who's in the same field but wanting to get a job doing similar, transitioning, different roles.

00:14:57.061 --> 00:15:00.746
He could also teach people any of these skills.

00:15:00.746 --> 00:15:10.475
He could literally teach anybody who's been in school or hasn't been in school and wants to figure out how to deal with the rocking servers or coding or cybersecurity.

00:15:10.475 --> 00:15:56.792
He could literally do a course or he could do one-on-one coaching on helping people know what things need to happen for whatever these type of roles, no-transcript professional space and they have a career.

00:15:56.892 --> 00:16:03.134
I like to ask them to think about parts of their job that they actually love and excel at that they want to do.

00:16:03.134 --> 00:16:04.828
So maybe you do.

00:16:04.828 --> 00:16:12.413
Maybe, for example, like if you're my husband, he's in cybersecurity, he enjoys it, but it's not necessarily his favorite thing.

00:16:12.413 --> 00:16:17.470
What if his favorite thing was managing the people, like managing people in tech?

00:16:17.470 --> 00:16:32.499
How could he translate those skills as being a manager or a leader into supporting other business owners or other small businesses to create a more unified experience in another business.

00:16:32.499 --> 00:16:35.374
Lots of different ways, lots of different angles.

00:16:35.374 --> 00:16:47.370
Maybe you have a certification already that you haven't really fully used at your job, but you know other people, so I know like agile is a way of organizing and project management.

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Maybe you're really great with productivity.

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Maybe you're really great with timelines.

00:16:52.533 --> 00:16:56.695
Maybe you're really great with client and personnel communication.

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Maybe you're really great with whatever it is that may not be in your quote unquote title, but you're really great at.

00:17:05.326 --> 00:17:14.674
All of those skills can translate to helping someone else or some other business to create similar results of success that are chargeable.

00:17:14.674 --> 00:17:21.032
I'm going to talk about how they do this in a little bit at the end, but all of these things are possible.

00:17:21.032 --> 00:17:25.009
So that's an example if you're in like a professional career.

00:17:25.609 --> 00:17:31.788
Now, if you have a hobby, maybe you have an innate skill or a gift.

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Maybe you love to travel.

00:17:33.932 --> 00:17:37.778
Maybe you have found a way to like travel, right.

00:17:37.778 --> 00:17:45.219
Maybe you have found a way to be like really fit even though you have a very busy schedule.

00:17:45.219 --> 00:17:48.535
Maybe you're a hobby photographer, right.

00:17:48.535 --> 00:18:02.189
You don't really necessarily have photography business, but you know people ask you to do their like weddings and things like that and you kind of do it here and there, but you don't really have a desire to start a business, but you would like to teach people.

00:18:02.189 --> 00:18:07.826
Or people ask you all the time like how did you take that shot or how did you edit that photo?

00:18:07.826 --> 00:18:10.551
There are different angles of problems.

00:18:10.551 --> 00:18:12.355
You have solved doing the thing.

00:18:12.355 --> 00:18:13.919
That's so easy to you.

00:18:13.919 --> 00:18:23.213
So if you travel, if you've been fit, if you are an artist or a crafter or something, and they just have come to you so easily, you just do them.

00:18:23.213 --> 00:18:23.875
They're fun.

00:18:23.875 --> 00:18:26.369
It's just you figure it out.

00:18:26.369 --> 00:18:29.257
You made a plan, yada, yada, but you love it, right?

00:18:29.257 --> 00:18:33.430
You think it can't be turned into a way.

00:18:33.430 --> 00:18:35.996
People pay you, but it can be.

00:18:36.757 --> 00:18:38.905
I like to give you the example of, for example.

00:18:38.905 --> 00:18:47.453
Let's say you and your husband or your wife are travelers and you guys travel a lot.

00:18:47.453 --> 00:18:51.116
You actually have gone on some dream vacations.

00:18:51.116 --> 00:18:52.798
People have wished they could go on.

00:18:52.798 --> 00:19:05.855
You both are working full time but you have a very busy schedule and you've been able to do traveling around the world pretty affordably without breaking the bank.

00:19:05.855 --> 00:19:09.511
But you've done it and people are amazed by how you're doing these things.

00:19:09.511 --> 00:19:12.872
That can be turned into a business.

00:19:12.872 --> 00:19:14.951
That can be turned into a coaching business.

00:19:14.951 --> 00:19:19.295
You can help people figure out how to travel on a budget right.

00:19:19.295 --> 00:19:34.535
You can teach people how to plan to travel right, and I'm gonna share with you a little bit of nitty gritty on all of these little things as I keep going on what makes these things more profitable and actually more sellable and marketable.

00:19:34.535 --> 00:19:39.535
But just bear with me, these are just ideas of ways you can, like, coach people.

00:19:40.165 --> 00:19:44.837
Let's say, you are that photographer that doesn't have a business, but you're really great.

00:19:44.837 --> 00:19:47.125
You're a really great photographer.

00:19:47.125 --> 00:19:52.502
You're really good at doing natural shooting or studio shooting and it's just fun.

00:19:52.502 --> 00:19:54.446
That's what you do, right.

00:19:54.446 --> 00:20:11.476
You could have other photographers who have businesses who struggle with taking images in natural light or in studio light, or someone who's looking to start a photography business but doesn't even have a camera right, but they need to learn.

00:20:11.476 --> 00:20:15.523
You can coach someone to do that as well.

00:20:16.826 --> 00:20:38.775
There are different angles of problems you have had to solve to do these things that you do that come so easily and like amaze other people, and all you have to do is learn how to work the problem backwards to see how you solved it in order to help people to do the same.

00:20:38.775 --> 00:20:46.839
You feel like these things are no brainer, but other people are looking at you like I don't know how that has even been possible.

00:20:46.839 --> 00:20:57.288
A lot of what I teach my clients to do within the container is realizing that you already have a lot of skills that people are searching for.

00:20:57.288 --> 00:21:12.575
You already know a lot of the mistakes, the mindset drama, the tools to overcome that that are getting in the way, honestly, that that are getting in the way, honestly, of other people figuring out what to do right.

00:21:12.575 --> 00:21:24.508
A lot of this stuff is Google-able, but a lot of people aren't doing it right and a lot of it has more to do with mindset.

00:21:24.508 --> 00:21:28.340
A lot of it has sometimes to do with the nuance of trying to complete or do a thing.

00:21:29.064 --> 00:22:04.049
So even in your hobby or your craft that you've been doing since you were a kid, or maybe for the last 10 years, that you've learned so much, I'm sure you did tutorials, I'm sure you went on YouTube and learned this, or even if you went to school, you learned something and then, over time, you learned some things that aren't in the school books, that are on Google, and that's part in the school books that aren't on Google, and that's part of the reason why people will pay you, and this is a part of the reason why you can get paid for what you already know without necessarily getting another certification or going back to school or anything like that.

00:22:04.049 --> 00:22:15.631
Now here's something I want you to keep in mind when you're thinking about oh my gosh, I'm so excited I can take what I already know and, like, make some money.

00:22:15.631 --> 00:22:16.913
Yes, yes.

00:22:16.913 --> 00:22:36.971
Now, how viable those ideas are really is based on knowing that for these things to be viable and profitable like long-term and sustainable A coaching business or consulting business needs to be tied to a human need, something that we got to have.

00:22:37.051 --> 00:22:38.361
It can't be a commodity.

00:22:38.361 --> 00:22:40.144
So I know I talked about travel.

00:22:40.144 --> 00:22:46.266
Travel is important and we would love to do it, but what does travel really help with that?

00:22:46.266 --> 00:22:53.141
You could make it more of a human need, right, help with that.

00:22:53.141 --> 00:22:57.030
You could make it more of a human need right, increasing or, in one way you could think about it, is relationships.

00:22:57.030 --> 00:22:57.873
How does relationships help?

00:22:57.873 --> 00:22:59.721
How does travel help relationships?

00:22:59.721 --> 00:23:04.646
How does travel help with your health?

00:23:05.248 --> 00:23:20.434
So you want to tie any kind of business that is a hobby or even a skill that you have, or anything that solves a basic human need of health, money or wealth and relationships.

00:23:20.434 --> 00:23:42.652
You can't go wrong when you figure out a way to tie it to those three things, because our brains are naturally looking for a solution to those things, and so that's why there are coaches for every type of industry there is, and it's a little different in your marketing and your sales when you're talking about these things versus when you're coaching a client.

00:23:42.652 --> 00:23:55.692
It's to get people in the door, and that's really what's important to keep in mind is that in the day-to-day, obviously, you're going to talk about some of the emotional things and the mindset things and the things that aren't as tangible.

00:23:55.692 --> 00:24:19.848
But when it comes to marketing and having people find that your skills, your hobby, your gifts are valuable and they're willing to pay money for it to be in a container with you, you will want to do it so that it ties in your marketing to their basic human needs of health, wealth and relationships.

00:24:19.848 --> 00:24:21.656
We're always looking for solutions for that.

00:24:21.656 --> 00:24:41.406
We're always looking to feel better, have better days, we're always looking for ways to save and have money and take care and have more options, and we're always looking for ways to improve our relationships or create relationships or find things or whatever this is, especially if you're trying to do something from a coaching angle.

00:24:41.406 --> 00:24:54.220
Now, obviously, I just wanna put this other caveat that if you're like Nikita I don't wanna start a coaching business, I just wanna talk about this thing that I do and see how it goes you could also start an informational business.

00:24:54.220 --> 00:25:09.426
That's not a coaching business, or informational business could be like a podcast or a blog post, where you're teaching people how to do a thing that you do well and you make money through ads and sponsors and community Totally a way to do it.

00:25:09.426 --> 00:25:20.387
But I have found the fastest way to build a livable income is through coaching and consulting, and that's something I help my clients do.

00:25:20.387 --> 00:25:21.806
So I'll share with you.

00:25:21.880 --> 00:25:23.046
I have a couple of clients right now.

00:25:23.046 --> 00:25:25.388
So I have a client who is amazing.

00:25:25.388 --> 00:25:46.432
She is in a corporate career but she wanted to prepare her retirement life and she is starting a leadership-based creativity coaching where it helps people use creativity to help them land and transition into more leadership roles.

00:25:46.432 --> 00:25:54.806
I have a client that is a done you, so she does like services of like doing social media management for you.

00:25:54.806 --> 00:26:14.520
She will organize all of that stuff for you and do all of the things for you, but she also now is incorporating a done for a done with you offer, which is more of consulting on, like, how to get your messaging, how to put your process in place that you may not want to do, especially if you're doing it on your own, if you're DIYing these things.

00:26:14.520 --> 00:26:32.325
I have another client recently who is wanting to do coaching for moms or fitness and we're talking about how to do that in a professional or career setting so many different things, but we are working on creating an offer on exactly what that can look like.

00:26:32.579 --> 00:26:38.773
I will do another podcast episode on what your coaching offers should be for starting out.

00:26:38.773 --> 00:26:44.011
I will also do another episode on how to find clients because it's really easy.

00:26:44.011 --> 00:26:45.405
It's a lot easier than you think.

00:26:45.405 --> 00:27:06.686
I have some clients right now doing what I call market research calls and these calls help them to get into the habit of getting people to say yes while they market and sell a free call so they can help people and see how they give them results and I would say 10 to 15% or 10 to 25% of those clients become clients.

00:27:06.686 --> 00:27:15.540
So at least one or two of those clients on those free calls turn into clients, some of those more than that often, but it just is really helpful and it's a simple process.

00:27:15.580 --> 00:27:24.614
You guys, you don't have to reinvent the wheel, you just have to learn how to do it in a way that people find it as a need and valuable.

00:27:24.614 --> 00:27:34.394
And that's what I do inside of my group coaching program, where you learn how to start and grow a business and get paid based on things you already know and things that you already love.

00:27:34.394 --> 00:27:47.061
And it's not as hard as you think and it's so flexible and great for you, especially if you're living with chronic illness or dealing with a lot of life hurdles and you need that flexibility and freedom of your time, energy and capacity.

00:27:47.061 --> 00:27:50.087
So that's it for this episode.

00:27:50.087 --> 00:28:09.432
If you're looking to figure out how you can start getting paid for what you already know with ease, go ahead and go to the show notes and check out how to book a call with me, or jump into my inbox at info at Crafted to Thrive and reach out and I'll send you a link on how to book a call with me for free.

00:28:09.680 --> 00:28:11.038
All right loves, have a beautiful day.

00:28:11.038 --> 00:28:11.619
And I'll send you a link on how to book a call with me for free.

00:28:11.619 --> 00:28:13.905
All right loves, have a beautiful day and I'll see you on the next episode.

00:28:13.905 --> 00:28:18.746
That's a wrap for this episode of Business with Chronic Illness.

00:28:18.746 --> 00:28:26.948
If you would like to start and grow an online coaching business with me, head to the show notes to click a link to book a sales call and learn how to make money with chronic illness.

00:28:26.948 --> 00:28:41.308
You can also check out our website at wwwcraftedtothrivecom for this episode's show notes and join our email list to get exclusive content where I coach you on how to chronically grow a profitable business while living with chronic illness.

00:28:41.308 --> 00:28:45.663
Until next time, remember, yes, you are crafted to thrive.